Disc golf is an excellent form of aerobic exercise that burns calories. It also provides strength training for the legs and arms. It is a weight-bearing activity, which helps to build bone density and reduce osteoporosis risk.
The muscles used for power when throwing the disc include the core (obliques and abdominal), shoulders, arms, and wrist. Practice makes perfect in developing these muscles for a smooth, fluid motion when throwing.
1. Aerobic Exercise
Disc golf can provide a great cardiovascular workout. The game requires players to walk around a course while carrying and throwing a disc, which burns a good amount of calories. The sport can also help to improve balance and core strength. Additionally, the sport can be played by people of all ages and skill levels. Some courses even offer alternative tees and baskets for people with disabilities.
Moreover, playing disc golf helps to boost vitamin D levels, which is important for bone health and immune system function. The game also provides opportunities for social interaction with other people, which can reduce stress and improve mental health.
Lastly, the sport can help to develop problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities. This is because players must strategize and consider factors like wind conditions, environmental obstacles, and their own personal strengths and weaknesses when planning shots. This can help to improve the confidence and self-esteem of players, and can make them more capable in other areas of life. The thrill of watching a shot fly through the air is also an excellent source of excitement and fun, which can further enhance a person’s sense of well-being.
2. Strength Training
The repetitive throwing motions required for disc golf help strengthen the shoulders, back and arms. These muscles also generate a lot of the power for distance shots. The core is also a large muscle group that helps with balance and stability. This type of strength training is different than body building. It targets the muscles you use in everyday life, rather than just sculpting the “tony-style” body.
In addition to strengthening these muscles, playing disc golf also helps with bone density. The weight-bearing aerobic activity is good for the bones and can help prevent osteoporosis.
Playing disc golf is also a great way to reduce stress. The physical activity gets the heart rate up, which causes the brain to get more oxygen and can help clear the mind. The social interaction with friends can also reduce stress levels. In fact, studies show that people who play a few rounds of disc golf three or four times per week have lower rates of depression and improved happiness. Regular exercise has been shown to improve sleep quality as well.
3. Weight Loss
Playing disc golf involves a lot of walking, which is a form of aerobic exercise. This type of exercise can help people to lose weight. It also helps to improve cardiovascular health.
Walking for 18 holes of disc golf can burn around 4,000 calories. This type of exercise can also help to improve muscle strength. This can make it easier for people to perform other types of physical activities.
Disc golf can also help to improve flexibility and mobility. This is because throwing a disc requires the use of muscles in the back, legs, and shoulders. It can also help to strengthen the core muscles.
Disc golf can also provide a sense of confidence and self-esteem. This is because playing the game can help to develop a variety of skills, including planning, decision-making, and patience. Disc golf can also be used as a way to connect with nature and with other people. Many players call the game “nature therapy,” and say that it gives them a chance to relax in the outdoors away from the stresses of everyday life.
4. Stress Reduction

The movement involved in playing disc golf helps to strengthen and tone the chest, arms, legs, and core. It is also a great cardiovascular exercise and can help to lower blood pressure, increase oxygen flow, and reduce stress levels.
Unlike some other sports, disc golf is low-impact and can be played by people of all ages and fitness levels. It also provides a sense of accomplishment as players improve their skills and can lead to an overall positive mood.
Even just walking around a course can boost your serotonin levels, which leads to improved moods. But adding a game of disc golf to your daily routine can be even more beneficial. The added cardiovascular activity burns calories, and when combined with a healthy diet, can result in weight loss. In addition, playing disc golf often takes place outdoors in the fresh air and sun, both of which are known to improve moods. Lastly, socialization with friends and fellow disc golfers is also known to promote mental health by decreasing feelings of loneliness.
5. Improved Sleep
Playing disc golf is great exercise. This activity gets your heart rate up and can improve your mood and help you sleep better. It also helps to relieve stress, which is often a problem for people.
It’s known that physical activity releases endorphins, which can elevate your mood and help you feel more relaxed. Whether you’re walking the course or throwing a lot of discs, this activity is sure to make you feel good.
In addition to the exercise you get from walking and throwing, disc golf strengthens your core muscles. Throwing a disc requires a significant amount of power, and that is often generated from the legs. Repeatedly strengthening those muscles can help you increase your power and improve your game.
One young man recently shared his story about how disc golf has helped him mentally. He described how he used to struggle with depression and anxiety, but since he started playing disc golf, his life has improved dramatically. He said that he now loves life and has a sense of inner peace.
6. Improved Memory
Many people struggle with memory issues as they age, but studies show that regularly engaging in activities that challenge the mind can slow down this decline. Disc golf provides the perfect opportunity for this because it is a sport that requires strategic thinking and constant decision-making. This type of mental exercise can improve focus and enhance problem-solving abilities, which can translate into everyday life.
The game also requires excellent hand-eye coordination. Players must hone in on their target, calculate the best approach to reach it, and then execute a shot while avoiding obstacles. This concentration is beneficial for other activities such as work and school, and it helps players maintain their mental edge even when they take a break from the course.
Plus, a standard round of disc golf involves a lot of walking and frequent throwing, which can strengthen the legs and back. In addition, a lot of local parks have courses that are free for the community to use, which can be a great way to encourage more people to get out and enjoy their surroundings.
7. Increased Flexibility
Disc golf requires players to use their legs, back, shoulders, and arms. Because of this, it is a great full-body workout, especially if you know the overstable vs understable forehand technique. The constant walking required by the sport also helps to improve stamina over time.
Disc Golf also requires players to make decisions and solve problems throughout the course of the game. This skill can help to reduce stress by teaching individuals to rely on themselves instead of others for assistance.
Flexibility is an important component to playing disc golf. The repetitive throwing motions can cause muscles to tighten up over time, causing injuries like shoulder pain or elbow pain. Stretching before playing can help to prevent these injuries from occurring.
Disc Golf is a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and physical abilities. It is a great way to get some exercise, burn calories, and improve your mood. Plus, it’s a great way to meet new friends! So what are you waiting for? Grab a disc and head out to your local course!
8. Social Interaction
Disc golf is an exercise that involves a lot of walking, so it can provide excellent aerobic exercise. In addition, disc golf often requires players to traverse natural settings like trees, bushes, and hills, which further strengthens the legs.
Many players find that the socialization and sense of community they experience on a regular basis with their local disc golfing group is one of the main reasons why they continue to play. The game also provides a unique opportunity for creativity, as players imagine the flight of a disc and then attempt to bring it into reality.
As a bonus, studies show that playing disc golf is a great way to get your blood pumping and oxygen flowing to the brain, which can help you think more clearly. And since the game is typically played at a relaxed pace, it’s easy to talk and connect with friends, family, co-workers, and strangers on the course. Adding a disc golf course to your neighborhood park can have even more positive effects on the local community.